When you are an actor/artist you need to be focused and determined, but that's easier said than done. Facing so much rejection causes a lot of frustrations, insecurity, and hopelessness. Bernard Hiller teaches his revolutionary success/Acting techniques all over the world. His #1 book "Stop Acting - Start Living" is now in six languages.

Celebrities start - up

BN: Bernard, you helped a lot of celebrities in the beginning of their career. Who did you help and how?

Bernard: I helped to start Cameron Diaz's career and other actors careers by showing them how to discover their true talent.

By teaching them how to overcome all their blocks and fears. I also help them find the joy and excitement of their journey.


BN: British actors are very successful in Hollywood. What do you think is the reason for that?

Bernard: British actors are very well trained. But most important it's their attitude. They are easy going and kind. You want to be around them.

The rules

BN: Do you think British actors need a special acting training or skills to make it in Hollywood and how can you help them?

Bernard: All actors need to learn the rules of Hollywood and when you don't know the rules, you will not succeed. They also need to learn the American film style. Some actors overact.

Opportunity of a lifetime

BN: As you are coming to London at the beginning of December, can you explain where and when are you going to look for an acting talent and how can you change their lives?

Bernard: My LA Masterclass is the most incredible experience. We have the biggest star agents, managers, producers attending. Casting directors who cast Marvel to Star Wars are looking for new talent.

There is no class like it. People say that this is an opportunity of a lifetime.

Producing a film

BN: You are also a producer. Can you tell us what is your current project and with whom are you collaborating?

Bernard: Currently I'm producing a film with the DiCaprio company. It's a British Broadway musical and we are turning it into a major motion picture. I've also written a film which Barbra Streisand is interested to direct. A lot of exciting projects coming up.