Shailene Woodley joked about smoking weed, while Amber Rose and Amy Schumer just made out at the 2015 MTV Movie Awards, ensuring this year's show follow up on what's now a tradition: controversy. The ceremony has always been packed with action and controversy since the beginning, 23 years ago. But is it all planned? How does MTV ensure the star studded ceremony will have moments everyone will talk about for weeks? Executive producer Garrett English, who's been with MTV for over 10 years, tells us the secret.
"Every year there's an expectation that it's going to be bigger and more controversial, different and all of those things," he says, during a pre-show press event.
"It's a challenge every year to try to create an environment where all that spontaneity can happen. It's always our task, because you can't manufacture those things." He ensures that the environment will make people feel comfortable and let go for a second. The host's role is to "set the tone where everybody else can relax and that's where spontaneity and controversy happens."
The executive producer also talks about how much has changed in the show over the past decade. "We have an all access live parallel experience now, what you're seeing in broadcast that originates from here is then amplified by 40 cameras that are all over the backstage area and the red carpet areas, where you can experience the show behind the scenes with our digital applications."
It means fans have unprecedented access to everything going on aside from the official broadcast.
"It has changed a lot of the way the show is expressed to our audiences," English adds. "I think the Television broadcast is still the primary, but there is a tremendous amount of content in social as well." Social media and the parallel feeds now influences the directorial point of view. "That's been a huge part of it, of the evolution of the show.
Our all access is reflective of that focus."
MTV has 300 to 400 working staff and crew, but on the night of the show it grows to around 1500 people. It's hugely stressful until the opening minute, English says. Then, it gets rolling and "there's a little bit of fun."