Stop press, just as I write that the red team literally serve half a lamb per plate! The salsa verde looks beautiful and the whole earthy lentilly feel looks delicious. Their stuffed quash looks amazing and at this stage I really can't call which team is going to be cooking off, it's anyone's game at the moment. As they move onto plating up the pudding I can't call it either, and I am just relived that Tony's plum tart looks so good, I was worrying about his place in the competition.
The poached pears look delicious, might have to try baklava myself. John loves it, but Greg isn't sure and, I'm afraid, as Laura pointed out in the episode 16, if Greg doesn't like your dessert, it isn't a dessert. Maybe this is the nail in the coffin for the red team?
Well the red team have to go into the cook off, not as a result of their pudding but because the blue team showed more ambition and worked better as a team.