In America, it’s Tax Day, which is the lovely-sounding name given to the day of the deadline by which US citizens have to hand in their tax returns for the year. They call it that because it makes it sound a little bit like a holiday, which makes the filing of a tax return slightly more palatable. US President Donald Trump has been slammed for having allegedly been ducking out of filing his tax returns ever since he first starting running for office – and today is no different.

Trump promises to have his tax return in by the extension deadline

According to White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump has filed for an extension on his tax return this year, since he has “complex returns” (in other words, a lot of income coming in through a lot of different revenue streams). She promised that the President would have his tax return for this year in by the “extension deadline,” which is the 15th of October this year.

Despite many calls to do so, Trump has still refuses to release any information about his tax returns – be it a detailed account of exactly what he’s done to pay his taxes, or simply some minor or vague data that would merely serve to prove that he has indeed done it. This is significant, since it makes him the only President of the United States in recent history to refuse to do this, so he may have something to hide, or at the very least can’t be trusted.