#WelcomeToHell has been trending as anti-capitalist Protestors have showed up at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The hashtag is taking on the violent protestors who are setting cars on fire and smashing shop windows. It’s within their human rights to demonstrate, but that’s taking the cake a bit. The police have clashed with the protestors, and have had to call in backup to hold them back.
They’re not all violent, though. Some protestors are simply there to peacefully protest capitalism at the G20 summit. The protests have been taking place outside the Messehalle conference centre, while world leaders have been meeting inside to discuss international crises and bilateral issues.
But it’s not all peaceful, of course.
At least 20 cars have been set on fire
The violent protestors of the G20 summit have been donning masks and black clothing, and then taking to the streets to cause havoc and mayhem. At a certain point, you have to ask yourself: do all of these people feel that strongly against capitalism, or did some of them just think setting fire to at least 20 cars with flares and throwing rocks through the windows of banks and shops sounded like fun? It’s food for thought. 15,000 police officers have already been sent to contain the violence, with more backup being sent in to help them. 15,000 police officers aren’t enough to stop these protestors – isn’t that crazy?