The Conservative Party looks set to gain 45 seats mostly at the expense of Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party, according to a polling expert.

The University of East Anglia's Chris Hanretty said the Conservatives are on course to gain a healthy majority.

This is despite the final opinion polls, which are the last to be published prior to today's General Election, suggesting the gap between Britain's two main political parties has narrowed to a six-point lead for the governing party.

A surge in support for Mr. Corbyn over the past few weeks has caused a mixture of results among different polling companies. Survation said the Tories had a one point lead over Labour, while ComRes suggested the Conservatives had a twelve point advantage over the centre-left party, regardless of Theresa May's refusal to appear on the BBC Leaders' Debate.

Terrorist attacks in Manchester and London have not dramatically altered both parties' support in the polls.

Conservatives on course for 375 seats

With seats in the North of England and Scotland set to go blue at the expense of Labour and the SNP respectively, this would land Mrs May with 375 seats.

After the Prime Minister called the general election on April 18th. her party emerged as the favourites to win, with an anticipated landslide of 100 seats. This would increase the Conservatives' current majority of 17.

The last eight polls produced since she called the election have given the Tory leader an average of a ten point lead over Mr. Corbyn, despite starting off with a 17.8 lead over the Labour leader.

The narrowing of the polls was caused by the Conservatives' wobble over their social care plans, which unexpectedly took centre stage in this election.

Tory plans to increase the social care threshold from £23,000 to £100,000 has caused uproar among many voters.

Concerns in CCHQ

Considering the likely outcome of this election was meant to result in a significant boost for the governing party, many staffers in Conservative Central Headquarters are no doubt worried about Labour's poll bounce.

However, the effect a possible collapse in the UKIP vote remains unclear. This could result in the Tories gaining 56 seats, providing them with a 200-seat lead over the opposition parties.

Labour has lost a substantial amount of support across the country since the 2010 General Election. It will be an uphill struggle for Mr. Corybn to regain his party's support, which has been shrinking since Gordon Brown became prime minister in 2007.

Yet opinion polls failed to predict a Conservative victory in 2015, Brexit almost a year ago, and a Donald Trump victory in the United States last November.

Prior to that, Labour's poll lead during the 1997 General Election shrunk during the final weeks of the campaign, but Tony Blair went on to become prime minister with a 179-seat majority, the largest ever seen in British Politics so far.

Betting odds

Betting companies have stated Theresa May is incredibly likely to return to Downing Street as prime minister on Friday morning, with Coral betting the Tories return to power with an increased majority at 20/1. Betfair made the same guess, with a 4/1 probability.

But Paddy Power has controversially bet Mr. Corbyn will be prime minister on Friday morning at 18/1.

Brexit is shaping up to be the deciding factor in this election, with 58 Labour seats where the Tories are 9,000 votes behind at threat.

37 of these seats are located in the Midlands and the North of England.

One of those key battlegrounds is the Birmingham seat of Northfield. Labour is fighting to defend this seat.

Labour's PPC, Richard Burden, has recently found his association under fire due to some of their activists caught leafleting the day after the Manchester attacks, despite publicly pledging not to.

This led to Mr. Burden providing a statement for Blasting News saying a message was distributed to all Northfield Labour activists informing them that no campaigning was taking place that day.

This is a constituency that voted to leave the EU, but the Liberal Democrat candidate for the constituency, Roger Harmer, said the NHS is an important concern to many people in Northfield.

Polls open from 7am today.