Following Monday’s devastating Islamic State terrorist attack on the Manchester Arena, which left 22 people dead and over a hundred injured and in hospital, the UK’s political party leaders paused their campaigning for the General Election as a sign of mourning and respect. But now, campaigning has resumed, since the election is coming up very fast on 8 June, and the party leaders need to get a move on.
Home Secretary has spoken out about the cause of the attack
Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, has come under fire with accusations that the government’s cuts to police numbers were a contributing factor that led to the Manchester Arena suicide bombing.
Rudd has denied these claims, heading a meeting with the government’s emergency Cobra committee while Prime Minister Theresa May was busy at the G7 summit all the way in Sicily.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has a very good chance of becoming the Prime Minister two weeks or so from now, has made a speech today that outlines a connection between Britain’s foreign policy and the possibility of terrorist attacks, but made it clear that he did not mean to solely blame foreign policy and alleviate some of the guilt from the callous terrorists who come to the UK and commit attacks such as the Manchester Arena suicide bombing. But he did add that if we understand how terrorist attacks come to happen in our country, it’ll be easier to prevent them in the future.