Ian Paterson, a breast surgeon doctor has been found guilty of "carrying out needless operations" on others, the BBC reported. He was found guilty of "17 counts" of "wounding with intent" relating to "nine women and one man" in the West Midlands.
The extent
It has been revealed that as many as 350 women were going to be bringing a case to the High Court. It was stated that Paterson "exaggerated or invented" cancer risks and also "claimed payments" for more expensive procedures in some cases, it was heard.
Position of trust
But personally, I do not think the motive matters at all here. Whether it was financial or simply a desire to "play God", what matters is the fact that these individuals placed their trust in a surgeon renowned as being one of the best in the area. And why would they not have? You never really question the doctors who are looking after you. You expect to be treated correctly and in good conscience. But this did not happen.
What now?
Where do these people go from now? A former patient, Jade Edgington stated that she felt "a bit violated" and, as the BBC reported, left "physically as well as emotionally scarred". It is unknown how long it will take for these individuals to recover from what was revealed. But what is for sure is that justice must be done and that this terrible situation never happens again.