What Trump Faces.
It is strange of Donald Trump, that for a presidential candidate who made much of 'Putting-America-First,' during his campaign trail; as he reaches his 100-day milestone in office this week, he appears to have done anything but, saying only that 'North Korea is the problem. North Korea will be taken care of.'
Having already reneged on one of his key election promises, not to get the US involved in any more overseas conflicts, in the past 10 days alone he has dropped 59 missiles of a Syrian airbase, destroyed an ISIS Splinter group in their hide-out in the mountains of Afghanistan; both actions which will have consequences, as yet unknown.
Although by far his most dangerous action, he has sent a flotilla of ships, amongst them the USS Carl Vinson, a vessel with a crew of 6000, carrying 90 aircraft, capable of carrying 300 cruise missiles; to the eastern coast of North Korea.
China's Choice.
China, it must be said has been less than useful in putting the screws on the North. Considering it is their only ally they have consistently failed to curb the nuclear tests. Kim, in turn, has actively purged the pro-Chinese elements within his own government in his own ruthless fashion. As yet the North's nuclear capacity does not stretch to harming the West coast of America, one has to consider the immediate fate of some 25 million South Koreans living under a blanket of guns and bombs, not to mention the considerable threat of chemical weapons - a commodity he assures the world he has endless stockpiles of.
Kim's Choice.
Even as Kim-Jun ushered in the Day of the Sun, birthday of his grandfather Kim il-Sung in 1912 and his military might rumbled through Pyongyang's central square, he launched a failed missile towards the Sea of Japan, just as the US VP was arriving in Seoul, and somewhat close to the anchor point of the American task force. Apart from the fact that Kim-Jung is most certainly now caught between a hard rock and an equally hard place for failure to now act against America will put him in a very bad light in his own country. The North-Korean regime has survived since 1953 in a fog of threats, bluster and rhetoric; both his grandfather and father survived on the hard-man act all their lives, building up a strong arsenal and a huge army, as much to use against their own people as any perceived foreign threat.To show weakness now and not take action against the hated enemy with 'Nuclear Justice,' would perhaps force the military to take matters into their own hands and overthrow him.
Not since 1962 and the Bay of Pigs stand-off between Russia and the USA, has the world faced such an imminent threat of Nuclear-Conflict. The president would do well to remember the advice of past military leaders from Alexander the Great to Napoleon Bonaparte,'Never fight a war on two fronts!' Donald Trump is putting the whole world on a knife-edge, facing the possibility of engaging in a fight on three: a prospect which is simply unimaginable.