When President Donald Trump’s first travel ban to keep Muslims from seven countries out of the United States got blocked by the federal courts, and his appeal to get the ban reinstated was rejected by the court of appeals, he vowed not to take no for an answer, and now he’s back with a revised ban that drops Iraq from the list of countries banned and contains much more detail and focus into how it will supposedly protect America from terrorism and not just how it will protect America from Muslims.
This is yet another executive order by President Trump
Since it’s an executive order from the US President (which is like Trump’s favourite thing to do since it’s the only way to get his asinine policies through the political system before they get quashed by those with reason shortly thereafter), it will be going into effect at first no matter what, beginning on 16 March, which gives the airlines and customs officials who were confused last time and paid the ban no attention some time to figure out how things will work, as well as the Muslims who are no longer allowed in the country just over a week to frantically figure out what they’re going to do.
However, none of this means that the new ban won’t get blocked by the federal courts the exact same way that its predecessor did, so don’t worry. Trump’s new ban is better, at least. America will avoid its own Berlin Wall situation of unexpectedly breaking up families like it did last time, since the ban only suspends new visas from the six Muslim-majority counties, and it’s only for 90 days, and he’s given them a nice 10-day warning period to figure things out rather than just banning them and dropping the mic like last time, which obviously wasn’t as cool as it sounds.
The ban will be quickly contested in the US courts
Courts will almost instantly contest this ban in an attempt to get it blocked like last time, but since this one isn’t a violation of rights in such a black-and-white way as it was with the first one, this might be a little harder.
Last time, the ban was successfully suspended while Trump worked things out with the federal judges, but this time, the ban might be allowed to take effect while the attorneys work to block it indefinitely.
Trump has made this new executive order a bit more legally sound with the help of Government attorneys, whereas the last one was just hastily scrawled down by Trump and his like-minded White House advisers such as Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller. The new ban reinforces the legal pitfalls of the past one with more allowable logic and phrasing, and much more care and consideration has been taken in its rollout. Trump announced that his new travel ban was on its way during his mid-February press conference (in which he called journalists “the enemy of the American people”).
One of the biggest problems with Trump’s first ban was that valid travel documents were being invalidated, but with the new revision, they will remain valid. This is scary. Trump is finally open to compromise to get what he wants? And it’s working? No one could’ve seen that coming, much like Trump’s Presidency in the first place.