Donald Trump is known for his bold views on immigrants. In his presidental campaign he attached great importance to national security issue, and his speeches he emphasized the compounds between the numer of immigrants and the numer of crimes.

Confused Sweden

During his campaign-like rally in Florida, the American president talked about places in Europe recently hit by terrorist attacks. Among those countries the president mentioned Germany and Sweden. It would be no surprise as we know what is the result of accepting the immigrants, but Trump claimed that there has been a terrorist attack in Sweden the night before his speech.

However, the Swedes felt a little bit confused and instantly wondered on social media what Donald Trump might be referring to, including former Prime Minister Carl Bildt, who wanted to know what the president of the USA was smoking.

The media and authorities in Sweden contended that there was no terror attack or other high-profile crime according to the reports.

The next day, also on Twitter, Donald Trump explained that what he said was in accordance with the information broadcasted on the Fox News.


Donald Trump's speech began to live its own life on Twitter as the Swedes created the #LastNightInSweden tag. People publish up, under that tag, alternative histories about what actually happened in Sweden on Friday night.

What is more this was not the first setback of Donald Trum's administration. Just a few weeks ago Kellyanne Conway, one of president's key advisers, appertained to alleged 'Bowling Green massacre' that never actually happened.

Donald Trump's speech was widely commented. One of those who referred to the issue was Olle Wästberg, former consul-general of Sweden in New York City.

The diplomat stated that what Donald Trump said was not surprising for him. Wästberg went even a step further accusing the president that he always says what suits him, even when it is false. He admitted that it may lead to serious problems because Donald Trump is one of the most powerful people in this world and he should be carefu withl what he says.