president Donald Trump, who was inaugurated last Friday during anti-Trump demonstrations across the world, has signalled that he may potentially sign an executive order to initiate an investigation into voter fraud. The investigation, likely to cost the tax payer millions of dollars, will be carried out by the Department of Justice, if it goes ahead.

Unsubstantiated claims

Throughout the election campaign, Trump regularly alluded to the notion of illegal voting activity without citing any evidence to substantiate his claims. Trump took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to explain his claims, once more failing to cite any evidence.

The President is expected to initiate discussions about an investigation into voter fraud today as he meets with senior Republican lawyers. Sean Spicer, Trump's press secretary, said: 'Trump wants to discuss the issue and explain to them why he is talking about illegal voting activity before taking any further action on the matter'.

Although Trump won the Electoral College and the presidency, he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by over 2.5 million votes. Despite securing the presidency, Trump has been obsessed with the popular vote, referencing potential illegal voting activity on regular occasions.

In an interview with ABC on Wednesday in which he claimed that 'torture absolutely works,' Trump also mentioned voter fraud.

Trump stated: 'You have people that are registered to vote that are dead. You have people registered to vote who are illegals. You have people registered to vote in two states. There are an estimated 3-5 million fraudulent votes. Of these 3-5 million fraudulent votes, none of them are for me, they are all for Hillary,' Trump alleged.

'Voter fraud exists in small numbers'

David Becker of the PEW Research Institution told CNN: 'There is no evidence of voter fraud even approaching the numbers that President Trump has suggested. Does voter fraud exist? Of course it does, but in very small numbers. Election officials across the United States are working hard to investigate these instances'.

News on whether Trump will launch an investigation should break this evening.