Ministerial divisions and inter-departmental squabbles are hindering Britain's departure from the European Union, according to new analysis by Whitehall's leading thinktank, the Institute for Government (IGF). Further, Theresa May's government faces staffing issues and problems drafting legislation. The report comes after May promised a white paper on Brexit.
Departments lead by Boris Johnson, David Davies and Liam Fox are at loggerheads over Brexit plans and have been accused of wasting both time and energy by the Institute for Government. The report, based on statistical evidence, has found that the departments most heavily involved in Brexit have been most affected by cuts.
Issues with staffing
'Some of the departments facing the largest staff and budget cuts will be facing the biggest challenge over the coming years,' the report stated. Staff levels for the environmental department and the food and rural affairs department have fallen by a third since 2010.
The Home Office, lead by Amber Rudd, will be responsible for drafting new immigration laws, but it has had its budget cut by twenty per cent and has lost ten per cent of its staff since 2010.
The report stated: 'The departments that will face the biggest challenges due to cuts find themselves under-prepared for Brexit. Many staff are working in roles that they are not familiar with'.
A decrease in departmental transparency
Moreover, the report chastised Theresa May's record as the head of the Home Office. 'The current Prime Minister had a patchy record while running the Home Office when it came to transparency. This is far from encouraging for those that hoped the Prime Minister would be open in her Brexit initiatives'.
As a whole, Whitehall's transparency has decreased over the past six years. In 2016, Whitehall rejected or ignored the most freedom of information requests in over twenty years. At the start of the coalition government in 2010, Whitehall withheld information on 25 per cent of requests. In the second quarter of 2016, Whitehall withheld information on 40 per cent of requests.