Parliament has agreed to have a debate concerning the legalisation of cannabis in the United Kingdom, after a petition to have the drug legalised reach over 200,000 signatures. The petition became a hot topic in August when it first started because it gained rapid support across the UK, amassing more than 100,000 signatures in its first five days. Currently, the debate stands to take place on the 12th October 2015, with some people being hopeful that the MP’s will see the benefits of the drug.

Some parts of the UK, have made progress in regards to the war on drugs with cannabis. Earlier this year, the Durham police force relaxed their laws on marijuana, stating that they wouldn’t pursue those who choose to grow cannabis on a small scale. In Durham the police also made it clear that they wouldn’t punish those who were caught smoking the drug on the street. That serves as a potential indication for the future of cannabis in the UK, as they may employ a system similar to that of the United States, where certain places decriminalise marijuana and the decriminalisation slowly makes its way across the nation.

The Government made it clear that it isn’t in their agenda to legalise weed, and pointed to the fact that there are many studies to show that the drug is harmful. There are also many studies that suggest there are health benefits that are included with using the drug which is what the hopefuls will be relying on in order to see it legalised.

James Owen, the person responsible for starting the petition, stated that he wasn’t very hopeful of a positive outcome despite the backing that the petition received and said “I’d be more hopeful if Jeremy Corbyn gets leadership of the labour party, but it seems that the current government are willing to ignore the views of 200,000 plus people.”

MP’s, such as Paul Flynn and Norman Lamb, have voiced their support at reforming the laws on cannabis however, despite this level of backing there’s no guarantee they’ll have a major impact on the decision of the debate.

Cannabis was changed from a class C drug into a class B drug in 2009, which only underlines the fact that the government see it as safety hazard.

The war on drugs is a closely followed topic and the support that legalisation of weed has received will ensure that government will be looking at subject seriously in years to come.