In a few days time the Labour Party will start the process of electing its new leader following the resignation of Ed Milliband in the aftermath of Labour's disastrous show in the 2015 General Election.

The actual voting procedures were amended earlier this year and I do not propose to go into them here. What this article aims to do is to provide a short thumbnail sketch profile of the MP's standing, in order maybe to get a better understanding of what the Labour Party and the United Kingdom Parliament might get with the successful candidate.

The candidates are - in no particular order - Andy Burnham, Liz Kendall, Yvette Cooper and Jeremy Corbyn.

In this, the second of four articles, I will take a look at Jeremy Corbyn.

Until recently many people will not have been very much aware of Jeremy Corbyn. Although he has been an MP for 32 years he has never held a position in the Cabinet or Shadow Cabinet.

Described as coming from the Far Left of the Party, no one could accuse Corbyn of being a Blairite - especially after the ex-Party Leader and former Prime Minister told an audience that anyone whose Heart was with Corbyn should "get a transplant".

Mr Corbyn says that he wants to lead his Party so that it can become "a social movement again". He is what one might call an issues politician. Like some political "caped crusader" he wants to (has always wanted to) right wrongs and fight for the rights of the downtrodden and oppressed.

The Labour Party he says was formed to fight injustice - and he now sees the United Kingdom riddled with injustice. He sees a landscape where Thatcher's assertion that there is no such thing as society is almost a reality, and he doesn't like it.

In order to gain power, Tony Blair redesigned socialism as inclusivism. New Labour was not to be seen exclusively as a Socialist Party, but one which accepted that Capitalism and Liberalism had some parts to play.

Jeremy Corbyn's aim is to return the Labour Party to being the Party of the "people".

And therein perhaps lies both the strength and the weakness of his "vision". There is a great mass of people who feel that they are the victims of an unjust system, but they don't see themselves as part of anything one might call "the people".

Indeed, rather than blame politicians and politics for the poor state of their own circumstances, they prefer to blame other "people".

To them, its not bad politics messing things up, its bad "people" - scroungers, benefit cheats, greedy bankers and greedy Councillors and MPs.

For Jeremy Corbyn to say he wants a better, fairer world sounds great.... But Mr and Mrs Voter wants to know what's in it for them.

Corbyn declares he wants to give people "hope". But Jeremy, you can't spend hope.