In the UK we have an unhealthy obsession with Royalism. It is somewhat akin to a masochistic fetish. We love the Royals and their quirky ways even though they bring hurt upon us. The Monarchy in the UK is a protected species. In the media and during political discussion their role is never debated nor discussed. It is time for this to end.
As a constitutional monarchy we may suppose that the Queen is muzzled by convention to be an impartial observer on political matters. The role is there to fulfil largely ceremonial functions such as the ever tedious annual Queen's Speech.
However, the mask has slipped. According to recent reports the Queen was asked to intervene in the Scottish Referendum. She duly did so with a warning saying 'I hope people will think very carefully about the future.' A somewhat bland and banal statement which was of course heavily laden with suggestion. It is now apparent it was a carefully crafted statement to disguise any indication that the Queen was breaking her otherwise impartial stance. Now the effect of this quote on the referendum is difficult to judge, the effect on the Monarchy's image however, far from it.
Acting upon a request from the Prime Minister to intervene on the Scottish Referendum is an indication of what the Monarchy now is in Britain.
It is a political, cultural and social weapon to be wielded over us in times of crisis. This intervention is just one example of this.
When people defend the Monarchy they may say it provides stability. Of course this is true, it is the foundation of our political system - an agreement between the Crown and Parliament. However, should we cover this stability in glory when it actual prohibits true democracy?
The House of Lords is a prime example. It is an unelected body that has become a cesspit of corruption and opportunism which is completely out of touch with modern day life in the UK. The recent refusal to cut their consumption of fine champagne, an act to reduce their £1million plus catering budget, is one of many examples that could be used to illustrate this point.
The talk is always of reforming the House of Lords, but we don't need reform. We need a reshaping of the political system. That involves the abolition of the House of Lords - which is inevitably linked to the Monarchical system within which we live.
The recent visit to the US by the King to be and his wife kate has also revealed the depths of utter uselessness to which the Monarchy has plunged itself. They are a showbiz couple to be rolled out around the world as a showcase of British poshness and backwardness. The furore over that eyeroll for instance, people were surprised to see such a human action from Kate because we venerate these people as higher beings. We are supposed to coo over their children while they jet off around the world shaking hands.
While we sit at home and gawp at the splendor and nostalgia of it it all.
Prince William was there to discuss the wildlife trade you may say! Of course he was. He was there to discuss the imposition of a prohibition system upon the trafficking of illegal wildlife, a system that has worked so well for alcohol and drugs in the past... He is not an expert in the field. He has been given a moral crusade to give him something to do so we don't realise that in fact he is just a kind of posh man who has a liking for hunting and hypocrisy.
The Monarchy is above all a reminder that we are subjects before the law. In the modern age when we talk of equality it is impossible to truly believe that in Britain we are all treated equally when we are constantly reminded that a certain family is better than us, by virtue of birth and lineage.
The Royals are a pillar of the system that has been built up in the UK to maintain stability in the political and social sphere. The system helps to maintain theoretical and material inequality.
The intervention in the Scottish Referendum has reminded us that the Queen and the Monarchs can be used as a tool in the hands of the political elite to add an extra bit of weight to their arguments. They are also shrouded in secrecy. Conversations between Prime Minister and Queen are kept confidential. It is imperative then that we ask the Question - why do we keep them around? Do they really benefit us in the UK? Or are we just grinning through the pain, hiding our heads in the sand and refusing to see that we could in fact live without the Monarchy and that our political system would quite possible be fairer and more accountable.
The subject needs to be laid upon the table for rational debate, but at the moment it is not even in the room, instead it is outside gazing in at the splendour, the glory, the pomp and the nauseating reality that is the modern British Monarchy.