Looking back on 2017, I was surprised to find that in doing the job that I love, I have travelled the equivalent of 2,63 times the distance of around the World trip. If anyone ever wanted to change the world and love traveling, well, I am lucky to say that I found the purpose of my life, and even more specially since I was offered the position of Director General of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, based in the European capital, Brussels.

Spreading the word

I started the year with a presentation at the Faculty of Religion in Antwerpen, written by different experts on religion, which focused on Scientology. Top experts in the world of religion gave their views about the movement started by philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, which despite being a new face in a world full of old authorities, has managed not only to survive but to grow bigger and stronger than anybody expected

Four Spanish universities gave me the opportunity to provide some truth about the establishment of Scientology in Spain and around the world, and I lectured to around 400 students of Law, International Relations, Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work.

It is very uplifting to see the changes in the faces of so many people when they get the chance to ask their questions to someone like me who lives by my religion - someone who actually feels it and whose opinion is based on actually living and not on just reading the opinions of hundreds without the bias of media outlets.

Sometimes there are unintended barriers

Visiting so many cities to promote and protect Human Rights and Religious Freedom (which I have done often in the name of Scientology and the name of the Foundation I chair - Fundacion para la Mejora de la Vida, la Cultura y la Sociedad), has been of great value for me as an individual. I have learned the many attitudes that people encounter when trying to 'save the world' with Human Rights, drug prevention, values and tools for life.

And this does not matter where you go, you find the Good People who try to help, but do nothing other than become spectators (and therefore often not only don't help but become a barrier or distraction), and there is also the ones who specialise in trying to stop what you yourself are trying to improve. I found all those in Madrid, Brussels, Geneva, Strassbourg, Vienna, Budapest, Warsaw, London, Antwerp, Barcelona, New York and many other cities that I visited in 2017.

Find the right people

Therefore, what is it that one should look for when visiting European Parliament, Council of Europe, United Nations, etc etc? The answer is one should look for people who have different beliefs, or even different priorities, they will try to understand the importance of your mission and will do anything to assist. These people exist, they are working in many good places, it is only up to us to keep looking for them while doing our part.