In politics, it always takes the death of a dedicated political activist, or in the case of Carl Sargeant's suicide, a politician, to trigger a partial change in the bullying culture that plagues politics. In 2015, the death of Conservative activist Elliott Johnson caused dozens of allegations regarding bullying to be investigated by the Conservative Party at the time. In Welsh politics, that opportunity has been quickly dashed by First Minister Carwyn Jones.

"It is clear Welsh Labour are in complete denial about bullying"

After whipping Labour cabinet and Assembly Members (AMs) into voting against a Committee for the Scrutiny of the First Minister, it is clear Welsh Labour are in complete denial about bullying. Carwyn Jones is a complete and utter coward, as are most Labour AMs who knew about this toxic culture and failed to do anything about it. If this was the Conservative Party engaging in this type of behaviour, as it was in 2015, media outlets like The Guardian would make it headline news. However, because this situation is affecting the Labour Party, there is no effective scrutiny.

The only Labour members who deserve credit for their diligent behaviour in this whole sorry affair are former minister Leighton Andrews and former aide Steve Jones. Both of them tried to bring this matter to the First Minister's attention in 2014 and he did absolutely nothing about it. This is because he knew he was guilty of allowing it to happen and because there are no effective mechanisms to bring the First Minister to account.

"He felt he had no choice but to take his own life"

Mr. Andrews wrote an extensive blog about the targeted campaign against Carl Sargeant in the years leading up to his death. For too long, this man was used as a scapegoat to ensure the media's attention was focused away from the corruption engulfing Welsh politics.

He paid the price for it by becoming the victim of a proposed enquiry into abusive behaviour. As a result, he felt he had no choice but to take his own life.

The First Minister knows there is no accountability in the Welsh Assembly. There is also no one to hold him to account in the Welsh Labour Party itself. Both the Conservatives and Labour lack any substantial safeguarding mechanisms, even after the deaths of Elliott Johnson and Carl Sargeant respectively.

Carwyn Jones' actions demonstrate the current endemic culture of abuse engulfing the Labour Party. It is cowardly and immoral of them to continually ignore it. But given Labour have become renowned for that in recent years, it is doubtful anything will change.