Brexit Secretary David Davis' interrogation by the Brexit Select Committee last week was embarrassing. Considering Britain's exit from the EU is becoming imminent, it was appalling to discover that the man Theresa May charged with the task of organising the UK's EU departure had failed to draft any impact studies into the economic consequences of this important process. He was also savaged by Andrew Marr for it yesterday.
"Mr. Cameron should have drawn up contingency plans"
When Mr. Davis was appointed as Brexit Secretary last year, many Brexiteers, myself included, jeered at his welcome return to front-line politics.
Having resigned both as shadow home secretary and as an MP in 2008 in protest against then home secretary Jacqui Smith's ID cards, his loss was regarded by many as a substantial one for David Cameron. His incompetent performance as Brexit Secretary has not been caused by his bullish threats though. After all, the EU has been refusing to play ball all year with the UK until now and he has not walked out yet.
To be fair to Mr. Davis, he was betrayed in his role by his former leadership rival. Mr. Cameron should have drawn up contingency plans in the likely event Britain would have voted for Brexit in June 2016. All the plans the Department for Exiting the EU have had to draw up since have been done in a rush.
Either way, it is clear Mr. Davis is no longer up to the task of managing Brexit if he cannot prepare for a select committee meeting adequately. It is time to replace him with someone who does.
"He would have put Mr. Juncker and Mr. Barnier in their place"
Jacob Rees-Mogg would be the ideal replacement for him. Mr. Rees-Mogg is a passionate advocate of Britain's EU exit.
He would not bow to Brussels' demands for a divorce bill or a transitional deal as Mr. Davis has. His knowledge of procedure puts him in the best placed position to manage a Whitehall department that was not blessed with adequate time to prepare for Brexit.
His eloquent speeches in the House of Commons prove he knows what he is talking about.
He managed to calmly debate a protester at this year's Conservative Party Conference and he would have put Mr. Barnier and Mr. Juncker in their place during the negotiations.
Mr. Rees-Mogg's attention to detail suggests he would not have evaded crucial preparations necessary to ensure a smooth Brexit happens. His ability to engage with people of all backgrounds and personalities would have made him a competent manager of a chaotic and young department. He would not have arrived at a select committee meeting unprepared.
What's more, Mr. Rees-Mogg deserves an opportunity to shine. He is a gifted parliamentarian and deserves a prominent cabinet position. It is time Theresa May promoted more of her backbenchers who are much more talented than her current cabinet.