A shocking crime of mass killing was reported from Las Vegas. It will not be wrong to say that after numerous terror attacks in Europe such an incident was expected in America. The attack looks to have been carefully planned. America is one of the most powerful nations in the world but is extremely vulnerable to attacks at home. One wonders whether such an incident could have been avoided. Probably not, as the gunman was a motivated man intent on killing the maximum number of people. It is now known that the gunman was a 64-year-old man who has been identified as Paddock.
He was killed when the police stormed into his hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Hotel and Casino. The man had barricaded his room and the police had to open the door with an explosive device. The killer from his vantage position had a clear view of the concert as he trained his gun on the crowd of revelers assembled on the ground. Latest reports indicate that 59 people were killed. This is a sad event and shows that something is wrong.
The news was reported by NBC and numerous channels all over the world.
The killer and his motive
The police have so far not identified any motive but many are wondering in Stephen Paddock, who used his sophisticated gun like a toy, was motivated by some external ideology like al Qaeda.
Though ISIL has claimed that the shooter was one its soldiers, this may not be the correct news and could be just a propaganda ploy. The motives of the killer are not known but there is no doubt that this has been one of the deadliest attacks in recent memory and the police look helpless as the main suspect is dead. Perhaps if he had been captured a part of the mystery could have been revealed.
The fact that over 500 are injured is a sad pointer to the state of security in America. It shows that American society is sick and I will say this is a strong word to use, but such wanton killing cannot be easily explained. Governor Sandoval has tweeted his condolences and said that a tragic and heinous act of violence has shaken Nevada and prayers are with the victims.
I am afraid such tweets really have no meaning and the stark fact remains that 59 are dead and over 500 injured. Who will take responsibility for these killings?
Last word
The shooting took place when country singing star Jason Aldan was performing at the Route 91 Harvest Festival and because of the rapid firing, many mistook the shots as the sound of firecrackers. There were over 20 thousand people in attendance and they were an easy target for the gunman, who had a vantage position overlooking the concert. America will have to look inwards and do some soul-searching. No country can allow such massacres to occur and if the state cannot defend the life and limb of the common citizen, something is terribly wrong.