During last year's EU Referendum, numerous financial institutions came out in support of Britain's membership of the trading bloc. As Michael Gove highlighted in last year's Sky News' live debate, it is difficult to listen to experts these days. There is much merit behind that statement as they failed to anticipate the 2007-08 Recession and predicted the economy would suffer if the UK opted to leave the EU. The latter outcome never happened.
The extent to which financial institutions influence European banking policy is truly horrifying
As discussed already, former chancellor Alistair Darling is correct to say Brexit was partially caused by the Great Recession.
Yet voters are right to combine banks and the EU under the same category of powerful institutions that have created an "us and them" culture Nicky Morgan mentioned. That is because the extent to which financial institutions influence European banking policy is truly horrifying.
In recent years, banks spent 123,000,000 euros to lobby Brussels. This is more than NGOs, trade unions and consumer organisations combined, who can only muster 4,000,000 euros to influence MEPs. Also, 70 per cent of the European Commission's experts have links to the banking industry.
Deutsche Bank is one of the most powerful banks in Europe
Deutsche Bank is one of the most powerful banks in Europe. The are linked to numerous international federations that include the European Banking Federation.
Afore Consulting are paid by them to lobby these EU institutions.
Goldman Sachs has links to consulting companies Kreab Gavin Anderson and Afore Consulting, both of whom accumulated bills of 1,675,000 euros and 2,175,000 euros respectively to lobby Brussels. Barclays, HSBC and JP Morgan all pay lobbying group Flieshmann-Hillard to determine European banking policy.
All three organisations awarded them with 4,900,000 euros to do so.
The EU is responsible for a Transparency Register that all banks are meant to register with by law. Yet the ALTER-EU Civil Society Coalition discovered that 100 companies failed to register onto it in 2013.
Dozens of stereotypical Brexit voters were interviewed by media outlets following last year's referendum.
They were typical of those who felt betrayed by years of European integration, claiming they felt left behind. Their arguments carry much substance. It is apparent the EU is nothing more than an elitist club where large companies are listened to and smaller businesses squeezed. Brussels has failed all 27 of its member states. Their regulations are completely inadequate. This trading bloc has no place in governing this continent's financial institutions. This is why Britain made the right decision last year.