No one has quite understood what type of Brexit Labour would pursue if they were elected in a general election. Party conferences are always a golden opportunity for all political parties to clarify their policy positions or, in the Government's case, restore momentum to their programme. It appears that many in the Shadow Cabinet have already done that with leaving the EU though, and from their perspective, this is a win for them. A recent ballot among Labour members has confirmed that none of them want to discuss this contentious topic.
Labour duped their supporters into believing Brexit is safer under them than the Tories
The Labour Party Conference has lasted a day so far and their Brexit policy is obvious, though they have not officially stated it: they want to reverse Britain's EU Referendum result. That was apparent when Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer said that his party would support a second general election to seek the electorate's approval of the final deal a Labour government would negotiate. This position betrays the millions of Labour voters who trusted their party at this year's general election to respect the will of the people from last year's referendum. They duped their supporters into believing Brexit is safer under them than the Tories.
To make matters worse, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell told ITV's Peston on Sunday that Labour may urge European leaders to radically alter the existing Single Market in its entirety. He hinted he would achieve this by rewriting the EU's four freedoms of capital, services, goods and people. He said the Single Market could even be renamed as nobody would recognise it if he and Mr.
Corbyn were successful in persuading Brussels to embark on these changes. It is clear that they learnt nothing from David Cameron last year, who also pushed for a deal that would reconfigure Britain's EU membership and provided him with nothing in return. The trading bloc is not interested in reform, that much was clear during Juncker's recent speech to the European Parliament that called for further integration.
Labour never had any intention of implementing Brexit
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, warned that Britain may not leave the Single Market. Does he know something we all don't? He is probably secretly hoping the Government completely destroys itself over leaving the EU and his party can sneak back into power to reverse the whole process.
Labour never had any intention of implementing Brexit. People may not be happy with the Government's transitional EU exit, but if the Prime Minister is serious about taking us out of the trading bloc by 2021, she needs to start imposing discipline on her party. If the DUP pulls out of their current arrangement with the Tories, Labour would win a general election if it is called tomorrow, and leaving the EU will never happen then.