Many Gulf States including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, and Egypt recently enforced a land, air and sea embargo against Qatar because of terrorism links. They recently released a list of 13 demands to Qatar saying they should consider and change in order to get their embargo lifted. Among the demands was for Qatar to close Al-Jazeera, which Qatar refused to do and they, together with leaders from other countries like the UK said the demands put on them were unreasonable.
Qatar has really felt the pinch of the embargo as it shares most if it's land border with Saudi Arabia and thus previously depended on over 60 percent of its food imports from them.
Since the embargo, they have been forced to work with Iran mostly for their food supplies and to be able to export their natural gas to other countries.
Skytrax, which was initially known as the Inflight Research Services is a consultancy based in the United Kingdom which runs airline and airport review and ranking site. They conduct research on commercial airlines as well as taking surveys from international travelers to rate cabin staff, airports, airlines, airport lounges, in-flight entertainment, onboard catering among several other elements of air travel. In 2017, Qatar Airways year won their prestigious Airline of the Year Award for its air services and customer care. Nevertheless, due to the embargoes, they have to travel a long way to avoid the embargoes placed against it by the Gulf States so as to be able to reach Africa among other locations.
Saudi Arabia tops the list of countries which fund Islamic extremism
There is a saying that you should not throw stones when you live in a glass house. An excellent example of that has happened as a report from the Henry Jackson Society which works on Defending human rights and democracy said that Saudi Arabia leads the list of foreign Islamist funding in the UK.
The report was titled, "Foreign-funded Islamic extremism in the UK." They reported on a growing body of evidence on the considerable impact that foreign funding has had on advancing Islamist extremism in Britain and other Western countries.
Their conclusions include: Foreign funding for Islamic extremism in Britain primarily comes from government and government-linked foundations based in the Gulf States as well as Iran.
Top of the list is Saudi Arabia for its multi-million dollar effort since 1960 for exporting Wahhabi Islam a hard-line version of Islam across the world including Muslim communities found in the West. The funding has come primarily in the form of endowments to mosques and Islamic educational institutions, which in turn played host to Islamic extremist preachers and distribution of extremist literature.
Time cited the BBC as saying that the Henry Jackson Society also "urges a public inquiry into the funding of terrorism by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states."
A number of the UK's more serious Islamist hate preachers sit within the Salafi-Wahhabi Ideology and are said to be linked to Islamic extremism sponsored from overseas.
This news comes as Britain has recently been experiencing terrorism acts. Examples of the terrorist acts that may have been fueled by the Wahhabi Ideology may include the Manchester Attack, and the London Bridge attacks.
This report comes after news that Theresa May has been sitting on an independent inquiry into the foreign backing of British extremism. There is pressure to publish a report on the UK- based Islamist groups. The home office report into the existence and influence of Jihadist organizations, which was commissioned by former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2015, is reportedly still not complete.
Saudi Arabia's reaction to the report
In a statement, the Saudi Embassy said any accusations that the Kingdom had radicalized “a small number of individuals are baseless and lack credible evidence” They pointed out that the country has itself been subject to numerous attacks by al-Qaeda and so-called Islamic State.
It will be interesting to see if any action is taken against The Gulf States that accused Qatar of terrorism acts. If the Qatar accusations are baseless then a drop of the Qatar embargo would be expected as there are some who believe the embargo is because of jealousy as the small country is really making strides economically.
I'd like to take this chance to say that terrorism should never be condoned and it is a world issue. All countries should come together to fight for worthy causes like this terrorism pandemic. We can all do something to help stop this menace as it affects all of us.