It has been almost a year since David Cameron stood on the steps of Downing Street and announced his hasty resignation in the face of a Brexit defeat. Despite his promises to remain as prime minister even if Britain voted to leave the EU and to trigger Article 50 the day after the result, he scarpered and ran.
'Politicians failed to comprehend the enormity of leaving'
Then it became apparent that the former prime minister failed to draw up any contingency plans in case this country chose to quit Brussels' rule. But with news emerging that there are 7,000 outstanding issues ministers need to resolve prior to the UK's March 2019 exit date, it is apparent politicians failed to comprehend the enormity of quitting the EU when they voted for Britain to have a referendum on the issue.
So who is to blame for Theresa May's Brexit mess? David Cameron.
Many voters have been frustrated it has taken Mrs May this long to trigger Article 50 and begin negotiations. Some believe it is part of a deliberate plot to frustrate and end the process as she voted to remain in the EU. But given she had to establish a new Brexit department from scratch and recruit civil servants in a hurry, it is little wonder the Prime Minister had to delay triggering our EU exit until March.
Officials in Brussels view Mrs May as a laughing stock after her devastating election shock. UKIP supporters believe she is not fully wedded to Brexit. And now a transitional deal looks imminent. An extension of the two-year timetable necessary to leave the EU is possible.
Thank goodness the DUP rescued the Conservatives and support leaving Brussels in its entirety, otherwise the Tories' enemies would team up and vote for legislation on a second referendum on the final deal. But just remember this is all Mr. Cameron's fault, it didn't have to be this way.