Before we explore this question, let's remind ourselves of what a crossbencher is first. A crossbencher is an independent member of some legislatures and do not adopt collective policy positions. As I argued in my previous article, Baroness Meacher has every right to be critical of Brexit. It's her job as a member of the Upper Chamber to scrutinise decisions that the Government makes in the House of Commons.
But to make these comments whilst she is in charge of a All-Party Parliamentary Group European Initiative to combat the use of drugs suggests she also has a special interest in the European Union. It is clear her comments may come in the wake of her link to the EU being shattered altogether. Perhaps she wants a job as a European Commissioner? This would suggest she has more than a special interest, but a self-interest in the superbloc.
Baroness Meacher's comments also do a disservice towards the House Of Lords as an institution. I have long argued all of my political life that the House of Lords does not need to be elected for a variety of different reasons.
But to make these remarks after Article 50 has been triggered stinks of poor timing and aloofness typical of many of the Lords' peers. In fact, it amounts to nothing short of a PR disaster for the chamber. It represents the sort of attitude so many Brexit voters showed towards the establishment last year.
The baroness has also based her arguments that Brexit needs to be reversed on opinion polls. Since when have they been a reliable indicator of public opinion recently? And she claims many voters were ill-informed about the process.
Baroness Meacher is meant to be an independent crossbencher. If she wants Brexit to end, one has to wonder whether or not, like so many politicians in Westminster, she is worried she is going to lose an opportunity to progress up the greasy pole of politics once we leave the EU.