What was going through the minds of the Foreign Office when they failed to increase the Terror Alert after the March 2015 attacks on the Borba museum in Tunis?
Imagine how many more British lives could have been saved if they did their job in protecting UK citizens?
Lessons learnt
Of course, it is easy to say that in hindsight now. The point of today's inquiry is to show that lessons need to be learnt from the atrocities that occurred that year.
That is why it is refreshing to see that Tunisia still remains a place on high alert at the Foreign Office to this day.
But it also demonstrates that Western politicians have taken the threat of ISIS far more seriously since.
Unanimous in defeating ISIS
Who remembers when the House of Commons was fundamentally united in its approach to air strikes against the jihadists towards the end of the 2015?
And now Donald Trump has made defeating ISIS his top priority, even if it means forging an alliance with the Russians to complete this objective.
This will not happen again
The atrocities in Tunisia were an abomination of the Foreign Office's failure to warn tourists about travelling to there. But one thing is for certain now; that will not happen again.