Kate and Gerry McCann find themselves under the spotlight of guilt, following the release of Richard D Hall's latest documentary "McCann's Embedded Confessions," in which he interviews renowned statement analyst Peter Hyatt, who in his professional opinion, concludes the McCann's have lied about their daughter's disappearance.

US-based Hyatt analysed a 2011 interview, which the McCann's gave an Australian network in which an embedded confession reveals Madeleine accidentally died from a fall, that the McCann's hid her body and that the possibility of sexual child-abuse must “be further explored.”

Having enjoyed an easy ride by British police and a compassionate UK Press, the McCann's must now be fearing the worse with the release of this latest and most damaging documentary yet.

She fell and died

During the interview the Australian host asked Gerry, "Did you kill your daughter?" to which Gerry replied, "No, that's an emphatic no. Why would we cover that up?"

To which Hyatt replied, "The answer is very simple. We are professional people, with two other Children,with unintentional death, you are going to lose custody of your children."

Hyatt explains further, “When a guilty person asks questions, they're floating out alibis. Looking to see what sounds plausible. Will it be ridiculed, be accepted, would it sound sane, would it help get them off the hook.”

Portuguese Police Know

Having refused to answer 48 questions by Portuguese detectives and never questioned by British police, the McCann's are waking up to the reality that a highly respected and professional statement analyst, (who teaches other professionals and who assists law enforcement on criminal cases), has staked his career and reputation on the conclusion that the McCann's covered up the accidental death of their daughter.

Hyatt said, "If you asked me, as a matter of public record your conclusion that the McCann's are showing guilty knowledge in the death of Madeleine, how sure are you of that, I am able to answer that knowing that my career is looked at, and say, I'm certain."

'I'm certain'

UFO researcher Richard D Hall has courted controversy with the McCann's before, having braved the threat of libel action with his previous documentary "The True Story of Madeleine McCann. Buried by Mainstream Media;" which concentrated on the FBI sniffer dogs who alerted their handler to the presence of a cadaver in the front room, in a cupboard and the boot of their hire car. The findings of the sniffer dogs collaborate Hyatt's conclusion that Madeleine died in the flat.

Promoting his 2017 UK wide tour, Hall once had his own TV show, but was taken off the airwaves by Ofcom, following a complaint about its content. Hall has explored many areas of contention including the 7/7 terror attacks, the Didcot murders, the cover-up of ancient British history, animal mutilations, crop circles, free energy and the 9/11 Twin Tower's collapse.


Many famous and prominent people now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of supporting a couple, who are alleged to have maliciously covered up the accidental death of their daughter.

Amongst many Celebrities and politicians, David Beckham made a televised appeal for her safe return, Richard Branson donated £100,000 to kick-start a legal fund to clear the McCann's of being suspects in her disappearance, Prince Charles is on record supporting the McCann's and Pope Benedict even gave them his Papal Blessing.

It's only a matter of time before the McCann's face justice and Madeleine can finally rest in peace.