Sesame seeds come from a plant native to Africa and India, although now different varieties are grown all over the world, especially in Latin America. Furthermore, it is a very versatile Food can be consumed because both the seed and its oil, and a variety of products which can be easily made in-house from this small seed.

Sesame seeds not only provide exquisite taste and different for our dishes, but its excellent nutritional characteristics are reason enough to keep them always around on a regular basis of the diet, especially children.


Although they do not contain all the essential amino acids, sesame seeds, they are rich in high biological value protein. A good way is to add some seeds for breakfast. Especially for children, this combination will provide the necessary energy to start the day with strength and proteins necessary to perform a good biochemistry of the body.


One of the main ingredients of the sesame seed is undoubtedly its essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6). These acids are very beneficial for our body's health. They are called essential fatty acids because our bodies can not manufacture them and we need to ingest them through diet.

These fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system.


Another of the most remarkable properties of sesame seeds is a lot of fiber. Fiber is essential to maintain good intestinal health because it acts as a cleaning brush of toxic elements are deposited in the intestinal walls. It also promotes fecal mass training and good intestinal transit, which is always synonymous with good overall health of the body.


Sesame seeds are especially rich in B vitamins (B1, B3, B6 and folic acid). These vitamins are essential for good health of the skin and tissues, and thus promote the proper functioning of the heart and muscles. It also contains a significant amount of vitamin E, one of the antioxidant vitamins able to counteract the effects of free radicals.


These seeds contain numerous minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, chromium, potassium, magnesium and zinc. But the highlight is the outstanding contribution of calcium. Sesame seeds are one of the richest sources of calcium you can find, so it is an important food that should be present in the diet of children and women in menopause and pregnancy. It contains almost twice as much calcium as milk and its use does not imply the absorption of hormones or antibiotics present in dairy products.


Copper is known for its use in reducing pain and swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The effectiveness of copper due to the importance of this mineral in numerous enzymatic anti-inflammatory and antioxidant systems.

In addition, copper plays an important role in the activity of lysyl oxidase, an enzyme required for the binding of collagen and elastin, substances that provide the basic structure, strength and elasticity of blood vessels, bones and joints.


Benefits of sesame


Controls cholesterol

Consuming 40 g of sesame seeds daily for four weeks is a natural way to reduce cholesterol levels "bad" blood. This effect is explained by the antioxidant effect on the high density lipoproteins (LDL).

Such seeds also have high amounts of sesamin and sesamolin, which are lignans group of fibers. Lignans can reduce cholesterol and help prevent high blood pressure.

Prevents cataracts

A cataract is a condition that impairs vision.

The risk of developing this disease can be reduced to 18% in people who frequently consume sesame seeds, that for its high lutein content, an antioxidant that contributes to the health of the eyes.



There were no reported contraindications against sesame, except in people who suffer from allergies to any of its components. As with other seeds, sesame seeds abuse can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.

Sesame oil has laxative properties, so it should not be consumed in case of diarrhea.