Getting older has always been one of man's greatest fears, so much so that in many seek cures and remedies to rejuvenate the skin, even at the cost to undergo very heavy cosmetic procedures. However the elixir of youthcould be found in an enzyme, as it has been discovered by a team of researchers at Newcastle University in a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. The secret is therefore placed in a metabolic enzyme located in the central system of the epithelial cells. And it is from this that depends the aging of the skin.
How is it possible?
It 's very simple: the more we age, the more this particular enzyme, classified as "Complex II", reduces its presence in the skin. The discovery is nothing short of sensational as it opens up other avenues and perspectives as regards the development of anti-aging treatments and all those products were born in order to delay the aging of the skin or counter it in some way.
The importance of the study lies in the fact that it contributes to facilitate the understanding of the mechanism which is at the basis of aging of organs and can have positive influences also for what concerns the therapies against cancer. Commenting on the study, one of the team leaders, Mark Birch-Machin, said that when we get older, our body tends to lose mitochondria, which make the skin young and supple, and on the contrary increases the radicals free instead are harmful and contribute to aging of the skin, a process evident when the first signs appear and wrinkles.
Birch-Machin also explains that the Complex II enzyme is the cornerstone between two important modes of energy production in our cells; the decline of its activity reduces the bio-energy in the cells, then they grow old. The study, carried out on as many as 27 volunteers, be placed in an age group between 6 and 72 years, has laid bare the real reasons for which you experience this natural process that are to be found precisely in the decline of this enzyme, which would contribute to a decline in bio-energy.
It is hoped that the following step of this discovery is to be able to find specific creams and treatments that can reduce this annoying cosmetic problem, both in the facial area, but also in all other parts of the body.
In short, this British study can open many interesting perspectives in order to counteract the aging or at least slow it even further in the near future.