The foundation was founded in 2014 by Miriam Shaded, a Polish charity worker and human rights activist. Miriam Shaded is president of this Foundation.
Why Estera?
The name comes from the Bible (Old Testament), from Queen Esther (Polish = Estera), who saved her people from extermination.
Help persecuted Christians in Syria
In July 2015 the Estera-Foundation brought christian refugees from Syria to Poland.
The foundation gives them 470 pounds every month. All the rescued Syrians are very happy that they can stay in a safe and beautiful country now. One of the Syrians opened a restaurant with Syrian food and it’s selling well.
Hope for victims
Estera-Foundation means hope for victims. Miriam Shaded received 500 applications from people who want to flee from Syria to Poland. Her Foundation supports not only Syrian people, but also Yazidis. Recently Orla Straż, Estera-Foundation and Children Aid Foundation in Żywiec organized a joint action to help families from Iraq who lost relatives in their fight against ISIS.
Estera-Foundation transmitted 500$.
Goals of the foundation
1) Help for sex slaves.
2) Fight in defense of Christian values.
3) Help for camps in Dahuk.
4) Help for Christians in Syria and fight in defense of human rights.
5) Fight for women's rights.
6) Support for families who lost relatives in their fight against ISIS.
Miriam Shaded about Syrian people: "My goal was only to ensure their safety. I wanted to rescue them. I want to help them in the process of granting work visas, tourist visas. I am doing it for the people" - said Miriam Shaded, president of Estera-Foundation.
Miriam is famous not only in Poland, but in the world too. A lot of magazines write about her and her foundation. We can see her in the media of Israel, Germany, UK, USA and France.
"Estera-Foundation was established in response to a cry for help of the Syrian Christians who are currently the most endangered minority in the region.
For the sake of their religion followers of Christ are savagely tortured and exterminated. Their religious affiliation often prevents them from seeking help in the neighboring countries. They are persecuted wherever they go."