Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu collaborated with ace director A.R.Murugadoss for his upcoming 23rd film titled as 'Spyder'. The makers of the movie now closed the satellite deal with Zee Network for a whopping amount of Rs 26.5 crores for Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi versions. It is the career biggest satellite deal for Mahesh Babu's movie and his previous best is for 'Brahmotsavam', which was sold to the same network for an amount of Rs 11.2 crores.
Surprisingly the deal was closed today, where the makers of the film officially unveiled the first look posters and motion poster from the movie. Coming to the first look posters, Mahesh Babu looks cool and stylish holding a gun in his hand in two new posters released today at 5 pm.
On the other hand, the actor himself shared the motion poster on his twitter platform, where the 30-seconds video unveils one of the posters of Mahesh Babu from the first look mixed with a catchy background score by Harris Jayaraj.
Overall, the response for the first look promos is decent for Mahesh's 'Spyder' from the fans and the moviegoers.
Trailer on May 31st and film release on June 23rd
It was further confirmed from the filmmakers that the most awaited theatrical trailer of Mahesh Babu - A.R.Murugadoss's 'Spyder' will be unveiled on May 31st.
At the same time, the makers confirmed the release date of the movie on June 23rd, which will be released in Telugu and Tamil languages simultaneously.
Currently, the film's climax portion and two songs shoot are left and the entire shoot will be wrapped in the month of the May.
Mahesh Babu is going to be seen as the Investigative officer in this Bi-lingual project and Rakul Preet Singh is the female lead. Director turned actor S J Suryah is playing a crucial role as the antagonist for the first time in this Murugadoss directional spy thriller. Popular Tollywood producer N.V.Prasad bankrolled the film in association with NVR Cinema and Reliance Entertainment banners.