'Hind ka napak ko jawab' Box Office collection till now:- 'Hind ka napak ko jawab' is performing well at the ticket window in its opening week. 'Hind ka napak ko jawab' box office collection in six days grossed Rs 90 crores revenue. The lead actor Gurmeet Ram Rahim confirmed the official box office figures on his twitter handle. He wrote "90CrIn6Days Unbeatable zeal among Bengaluru Fans!
Enjoying the movie majestically! Loads of Blessings!" on his twitter. Soon after the official confirmation from the actor himself, a hashtag named as '90crin6days' started trending in the social media platform. let's check day-to-day collections until now below.
Movie's box office collection till now
The movie collected Rs 15.10 crores on its opening day at the box office which is a superb start for the film at the ticket window. On the second day, it minted Rs 15.25 crores which are better than day 1 collection. The third-day collections are much bigger than day 1 and day 2, the film collected close to Rs 19.7 crores gross.
Thus the movie grossed Rs 50 crores mark by the end of its first weekend run at the ticket window.
On Monday, the movie minted Rs 13 crores taking its total 4-day collections to Rs 63 crores. On the 5th day of its release, the film minted Rs 15 crores and on day 6 of its release, it collected Rs 12 crores. Thus the movie minted Rs 90 crores gross in a six day run at the ticket window.
Movie will enter Rs 100 crore in 1st week
As the movie minted Rs 90 crores in six days, the Trade experts predict that the film can mint Rs 10 crores on the 7th day of its release easily to touch Rs 100 crores revenue in its opening week at the box office.
Thus Gurmeet's new movie which was released last week is creating a sensation at the box office and the fans of the spiritual saint cum actor are happy to see superb box office revenue for the movie 'HKNKJ' in its 1st-week run. Audience appreciation is high.
Finally, we need to wait and see how the movie performs at the ticket window in its forthcoming days.