Superstar Rajinikanth is going to work under the 'Kabali' director for his upcoming movie produced by Dhanush. The regular shooting of Rajinikanth-Beemji's project will commence from May 2017 onwards. In the meantime, Rajinikanth will complete the shoot of his 'Robo 2.0' movie by the end of April. We all know that Rajinikanth-Beemji's 'Kabali' movie created a sensation all over India during its release and it minted Rs 320 crores gross worldwide so the expectations from the audience are huge over this combination. The fact that Tamil hero Dhanush is producing this movie raised the expectations further about the film.
The other cast and crew details are yet to be announced by the makers and one needs to wait few more months to know more details about the movie.
Rajinikanth's 'Robo 2.0' production cost: Rs 450 crore
Superstar Rajinikanth is currently shooting for Robo 2.0 which is under its final schedule. The production cost of this movie is increasing the expectations further on this Shankar's directional project. The filmmakers recently announced that 'Robo 2.0' production cost will go up to Rs 450 crores till the end of the film. This is the costliest movie ever made in Indian cinema.
After it's first part 'Robo' became a huge hit by minting over Rs 200 crores gross worldwide, 'Robo 2.0' was being made on a whopping budget of Rs 450 crores to target Rs 1000 crores gross revenue worldwide once after the film release for Diwali 2017.
Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar will be seen as the antagonist in the film which is going to be the special attraction of the movie for the audience. Amy Jackson is playing the female lead role and A.R.Rahman is composing the music for the movie.
Rajini-Beemji project is going to be normal film
After acting in a big project like 'Robo 2.0', there will be several expectations on Rajinikanth's next movie but as per the updates, it is known that Beemji's project is going to be a normal movie just like 'Kabali'. However, for superstar Rajini, whether it is a normal film or a science fiction movie, the collections won't stop ringing at the box office and hence there is no need to worry.