What is solace? Are we meant to suffer? Why is the world so ugly? These are some of the ispiring questions of the "A Quiet Passion" take on Emily Dickinson's life. Terence Davies directs an emotional and resonant portrait of the American iconic poet. The movie is part of the official competition of 2016 London Film Festival.
A Quiet Passion story
The story follows the last thirty years in the life of Dickinson.
Sex and the City's Cynthia Nixon and Emma Bell star as the poet who rebels against the Christian bigotry, who begins her career, aware of the impossibility of having an ordinary married life. The cast includes Jennifer Ehle, Duncan Duff, Keith Carradine, Joanna Bacon and Jodhi May
The perfect formula
The movie is an impressive achievement because it's able to balance a great amount of humour with tragic and sad moments. The director's vision allows us to get inside Dickinson's mind like in the dream-like sequence where she imagines a suitor. There is also space for her poetry: as the director explained, he is a huge fan of the American writer and he wanted to include her poems as well.
He creates compelling scenes with the use of This is My letter to the World or If You Were Coming in the Fall.
Another dull biopic?
I wasn't willing to watch another boring biopic, and so I was a bit skeptical and pessimistic of "A Quiet Passion". As it always happens, prejudices are rarely correct. Not only this film delivers an intriguing portrait, but it gives to Emily Dickinson a strong, rebellious and complex soul. Cynthia Nixon is just perfect in this difficult role. She suffers, she struggles and she is brave with and as Emily. Terence Davies does the same: he directs this difficult movie with passion. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, but most importantly it will make you think.
It's a profound, tragic, funny and intelligent portrait of the incredible American poet. Have a look at "A Quiet Passion" Trailer:
Don't miss my follow-up article with my point of view on "Lion" and all the previous reviews: "Arrival", "Frantz", "Being 17", "La La Land" and "A United Kingdom".