The Kapoor’s of Bollywood i.e. the Anil Kapoor clan is really rocking the Indian Film Industry these days. Sonam Kapoor’s brother Harshvardhan Kapoor’s most awaited debut is finally here and we just can’t stop drooling over him. Made under the direction of ace filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra and written by none other than the flawless Gulzaar, Mirzya looks like the perfect launch vehicle of the newest Kapoor boy in Bollywood.
Harshvardhan Kapoor as a warrior
The trailer shows Harshvardhan playing the role of a warrior. A piece of cloth is seen covering half of his face while he is seen sharing intense and a crazily romantic chemistry with his co-star Saiyami Kher. Saiyami Kher whose name was never attached to the film till the teaser came out is in fact veteran Bollywood actress Tanvi Azmi’s niece. It is interesting to note that the teaser doesn’t reveal any character’s complete look and that is the exact reason that people are liking it so much, the mystery is being loved and is successfully raising the excitement levels.
From the looks of the teaser one can make out that the movie is going to be an epic romantic saga probably stretching over eras. It is based on the popular folklore Mirza Sahiban. Though it is based on a Punjabi folklore, the film looks like a contemporary take on the story.
Mirzya poster is out too
Harshvardhan, who is active on Twitter, also shared the poster through his Twitter handle and the movie was trending for quite some time. The Mirzya poster shows Harshvardhan and Saiyami on a motorbike with their backs facing the screen while both of them have their hands in the air. The movie is reported to be a launch pad for a total of four actors; Anjali, Anuj, and the lead.
Mirzya is Harshvardhan Kapoor’s debut while Saiyami has done a movie down south earlier and Mirzya happens to be her Bollywood debut as well. Mirzya is reported to release sometime in October 2016. Hopefully the excitement levels stay up till the release and the movie breaks all Bollywood box office records.