Most people have to rethink their costs to afford things they enjoy. But in reality, saving up doesn't have to mean that you have to change your lifestyle cardinally. It is enough to make some small changes in your life to see how you will keep more money in your pocket.
- Practice list making: This is good for food-shopping but also for any other shopping. Why? When you get to the shop and start to think what you could buy, you'll spend more money.
- Saving is your priority: As soon as you get your wage, put some money aside. "I'll save when I have something left!" will not work.
- Don't do it alone: When you decide to start saving up, involve your friends and family who can help you stay on track, or who also maybe want to start saving. Together it's more fun.
- Teach your cat how to use toilet: Teaching your cat how to use toilet (although it might not be possible to teach how to flush), will help with saving from cat litter.
- Give up expensive brands: Some products cost extra money just because they have a famous brand name. Rather, you should look at what the product consists of, its quality or a cheaper alternative.
- Plan your trip: Instead of driving back and forth, make a plan before you start driving, to save gas.
- Don't be a techno snob: Do you really need the new phone, just because the camera is a tiny bit better? Maybe you could stick with your old one that works perfectly well.
- Go over your contracts: Check with your services as maybe it's possible for you to change the service package.
- Be season free: Especially when talking about clothes, it's a lot cheaper to buy warm clothes when the summer arrives and new bikinis when the winter comes.
- Equate income and outcome: So you want to spend money on a new computer game? Put the same amount of money in a "cookie jar". Can't afford it? Are you really sure you can afford this computer game in the first place?
- Can you sell yourself? Maybe you have a blog that thousands of people like to read and where you could sell ads. Or maybe you have some skills that could help you earn the money?
- I'm not so rich to buy cheap things: It might be more useful to buy more expensive products, because they will last longer than the cheaper versions.
- DIY: Internet is full of free instructions how to cook, craft something, fix anything. Why spend extra money when you could do it by yourself?
- What do you have at home? Do you know what your cupboards are hiding? Maybe some food, some clothes you have forgotten? Open the doors and check, before going out to buy new stuff.
- Free entrances will make your wallet happy: Several museums have days when you don't have to pay for the entrance and there are a lot of events which are also free. All you have to do, is to find out when.
- Café at home: Instead of going out again with your friends, visit each other homes and discover how to make good snacks and interesting cocktails by yourself.
- Spring cleaning: Look around you. Do you see something you haven't used in a year. Yes? Great, get rid of it. Now!
- Invest in a thermos: Instead of buying your morning coffee from the street vendor, make it at home and take it with you.
- Shopping through Internet: When you need to buy something, learn to check online for cheaper buys.
- "No!": Learn how to say "No!" when you don't want it or when you know you can't afford it at the moment.
- Spend your free time elsewhere than in shop: The less time you spend in shop, the less money you'll spend there. Shopping for food 1-2 times in a week is perfect.
- Give up smoking: It's expensive, it's unhealthy and it will make you stink. Why did you took it up in first place?
- Discount cards are your friends: But only of course when they're free. If they are, sign up and keep them with you, to get hefty discounts.
- Be a volunteer: In addition to feeling good, volunteers sometimes get discount coupons, free tickets or even contacts that might be useful in future.
- Gym at your home: There's no point paying for a monthly card, when you rarely find time to visit the gym. Invest in some home training equipment and start working out when you have time.
- The more the merrier: Learn to cook for several days at once. Leftover food is possible to freeze and then you can eat again later.
- Three days rule: If you want something, wait for three days. If you still want it, go and buy it.
- Reduce alcohol consumption: This expensive habit does no good to your wallet or to your weight.
- Be on time: When paying off your bills, be sure that you're not late. Overdue fees are just waiting to take your money.
- Keep your friends close: Go out and travel with your friends, since group tickets are usually a lot more cheaper than individual ones.
- Rent before buying: You have this special event coming up. Is it really reasonable to buy new clothes? Maybe you could rent the clothing?
- Love the students: Students who are still studying their job will offer quality service a lot cheaper. Don't worry. Usually the instructor is right next to them when they colour your hair or give you the manicure.
- Start small: Small habits will grow into a great lifestyle. Start today with a couple of tips and add more later, when you feel like it.