5 weird and wonderful places to visit in Scotland

Fingal's Cave is one of the many fascinating sites to visit in Scotland. [Image dun_deagh/Flickr]
Fingal's Cave is one of the many fascinating sites to visit in Scotland. [Image dun_deagh/Flickr]

There are places related to physics and illusions, fairy like glens and pools and a magical cave that has inspired many.

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5 unusual and wonderful destinations to visit in Scotland

Garden of Cosmic Speculation - 1 Lower Portrack Cottages, Holywood, Scotland

The Garden of Cosmic Speculation covers 30 acres and was designed with the fundamentals of modern physics in mind. Here are twisting DNA helix sculptures, undulating waves of flowers and snail-shaped mounds covered in grass. Charles Jencks, an architect theorist and his late wife, Maggie Keswick who was an expert on Chinese Gardens designed this at their private home to bring out the basic elements that underlie the cosmos.


Camera Obscura & World of Illusions - The Royal Mile, Edinburgh, Scotland

Camera Obscura and the World of Illusions has been going for more than 150 years. It is partly a learning centre but also a funhouse and it spreads over five floors of the building. The rooftop terrace gives a 360-degree panoramic view of the city via the Camera Obscura. The other floors are filled with puzzles, optical illusions, a vortex tunnel and mirror mazes, giving visitors a mixtures of tricks of the mind and eyes and alternate realities.

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