5 Netflix Original films and series streaming this week

Five Netflix Originals available to stream this week. [Image Pixabay]
Five Netflix Originals available to stream this week. [Image Pixabay]

Whether you are looking for a good laugh, want an exciting thriller or a NSFW animated story, Netflix has the options coming this week.

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5 Netflix original series and films to binge this week

'Jimmy Carr: The Best of Ultimate Gold Greatest Hits' - Netflix Original - 12 March

Broad-minded audiences always enjoy Jimmy Carr’s lurid humour and Carr is back with his “Clean Suit” and his “Dirty Mouth” to charm us with an epic collection of real zingers. If you need cheering up, this is the show to watch!


'Triple Frontier' Netflix Original film - 13 March

Ben Affleck, Charlie Hunnam, Oscar Isaac, Pedro Pascal and Garrett Hedlund star in this epic thriller film. As stressed in the synopsis, while starring military men, this is no military operation. It is a robbery and the men plan to rob one of the most violent cartels in the world. The film is on at select cinemas and, of course, on Netflix.

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