Stephen Colbert's Meanwhile exposes five odd items not in the headlines

"Meanwhile" reveals some odd, funny and not-so-funny news hidden between the headlines. [Image The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube]
"Meanwhile" reveals some odd, funny and not-so-funny news hidden between the headlines. [Image The Late Show with Stephen Colbert/YouTube]

A bingo brawl at a old-age home, an all-you-can-drink tequila train, the rise of super-gonorrhoea, Jason Momoa cookies and radiation at a US museum.

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Meanwhile: These five odd news items missed the headlines

Police called out to break up a bingo brawl at a nursing home

Police in Rideau Lakes, Ont., Canada was called out over a bingo-related dispute at a long-term nursing home. Things got ugly when a 79-year-old woman dared to take the seat normally used by an 86-year-old woman. The argument soon turned into a physical altercation with other residents joining in. Constable Sandra Barr said it was an "unusual call." When officers arrived at the scene, they soon calmed down the elderly women. Reportedly there were no injuries, and no arrests were made.


Jose Cuervo launches all-you-can-drink tequila train excursion

Visitors to Guadalajara, Mexico can now enjoy an all-you-can-drink tequila experience on a vintage train, travelling to the town of Tequila. The booze company, Jose Cuervo recently launched the hour-long tequila experience which quite literally puts drinkers on the rails. This is for lovers of the drink to take their love of tequila "to the next level." Passengers have a choice of three experience levels: Express, Premium and Premium Plus, with different treats to accompany the cocktails.

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