Twelve beautiful Red Dead Redemption 2 photos from the game's trailers

Red dead Redemption 2 has beautiful scenery - Image credit - Rockstar Games | YouTube
Red dead Redemption 2 has beautiful scenery - Image credit - Rockstar Games | YouTube

Red Dead Redemption 2 looks to be a world of beauty and realism as the graphics take gamers back in time.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 has beautiful landscapes

The western style game is a prequel to "Red Dead" and it's set in 1899.


Action adventure in a beautiful world that's authentic

The action-adventure game takes place in the old wild west where players have to survive.


Players join the Van der Linde gang as the bad old ways begin to end

Members of the Van der Linde gang spend much of their time outside the towns that sprung up.

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