When you start a business, you cannot get the profits at once. You will have to invest money, effort and time before you can start to make profit. To be sure that you are likely to make profit from your business, you have to do a research for your potential market to see if customers will be willing to pay for your service or products. If you are confident that your business will take off, you should learn where to get the funds for your business.
Governments have schemes which can help you to get the funds to test your ideas. There are different schemes; it is good if you do the research about these schemes so that you can be aware about the scheme that it is more appropriate for your business idea.
You can get the funding from a bank. The bank will need to get a cash flow forecast which is realistic and you have to prove that you are capable of paying back the loan if you get it. A bank may need to get a security before they can give you a loan. The security can be a car or a house and it will be taken away when you fail to pay. Before you give anything you own as a guarantee, you have to be aware of the risks that you want to take.
If you want to get a large amount for the investment, you may need to sell the shares so that you can fund the growth of your business. You can sell shares by asking the family or friends to join in. If the money you have raised is not enough, you may try equity funding.
The equity funding can come from business angels, venture capitals and crowd funding. Equity angels are wealthy people who invest into a new business. Venture capital is from the company which invests a large amount of money in the business which they think that it has the potential of growing faster. Crowdfunding is when a number of people put the money together for investment for a certain business. Most of the time, this is done over the internet. Whenever you get the funds from the outside, the outsider will own the company shares depending on how much he invested.