A newcomer is in town: Blasting News, the largest global social news publisher, just entered the exclusive league of the top 250 biggest websites in the world, according to the Alexa ranking. An out-of-ordinary result, considering that the London based start-up – which now has offices in London, New York, Sao Paulo, Milan and Rome, with plans to open up an office in Singapore shortly – was only launched three years ago.
The best way to understand the Blasting News story is to look at its numbers: in August, Blasting News exceeded 68 million unique on-site readers.
A 180% growth if compared to the 24 million readers that the news publisher reached one year ago in August 2015. This result has been possible thanks to the 1 million blasters (freelance contributors and registered readers, in Blasting News jargon), who have been publishing 16,000 original pieces of news each month. “We are especially proud of the engagement shown by our readers – said Andrea Manfredi - global CEO. On average, each article is shared more than 700 times on Facebook, according to Buzzsumo. This demonstrates that we are on the right track in delivering to our readers the quality and engaging content they are looking for”.
The growth has been particularly successful in Brazil: in July, after just 18 months of life, Blasting News Brazil has been ranked by comScore as the 2nd largest digital news property of the country in the category “General News”.
Plans for the near future are focused towards the US. “Blasting News is active in 34 different countries, each of them served with a dedicated national website – continued Manfredi – We are now focused on achieving size in the US market, where we have aggressive plans for the next twelve months. Moreover, we will set up a new base in Singapore as a pivot to startup the APAC area: as we are interested in expanding to Australia and Japan”.
A catalyst to the recent growth has been possible thanks to the outstanding contribution from the Social Blasters, the first global network of digital influencers. Three months ago, Blasting News released a new technology application able to bring together its writers – who create great news content – and a brand new team of 400 digital influencers – who are able to share and distribute the content to hyper-targeted readers.
“The result – explained Manfredi – is a real and unique all-in-one platform for freelance journalists. Social Blasters have been a great win for Blasting News, and we have plans to further invest in order to nurture and enlarge this marketplace”.
Blasting News is the largest global social news publisher. Established in mid-2013, Blasting News is now the 240th most visited website in the world (Alexa Ranking).
Blasting News is made by the people, for the people. News are produced by delocalized contributors (Blasters), fact-checked and curated by a quality team of professionals (Senior Blasters). Furthermore, news are distributed by Social Blasters, a global team of top digital influencers.
All the processes are totally fueled and curated by the crowd, thanks to an extensive use of technology (all core processes are managed and supported by algorithms, some of which are patent-pending).
Key data:
- 68 million monthly unique on-site visitors
- 2nd largest news magazine in Brazil (comScore)
- 1+ million Blasters from 34 countries, who publish 16,000+ original pieces of news each month
- Funded by the Google Innovation Fund (DNI) to revolutionize digital information in Europe
- Offices in London (Headquarter), New York, Sao Paulo, Milan and Rome, with Singapore opening soon
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