After 48 years Indian Air Force flew missions and attacked terror camps inside Pakistan occupied Kashmir. This is the event of the century in Indo -Pakistan relations. The last time this had happened was in 1971 when the Pakistani army had surrendered and signed on the dotted line, and over 90,000 soldiers were taken as POWs in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The BBC has reported that it was the first time Indian warplanes have crossed the de-facto border in Kashmir - in more than 40 years.
Prime Minister Modi had announced days back that Pakistan would have to pay a heavy price for the killing of 43 soldiers during the Pulwana attack.
A suicide bomber owing allegiance to the Jaish-e - Mohammed had in a suicide attack killed over 40 CRPF soldiers on the highway to Srinagar.
The attack
The IAF using 12 French-built Mirage 2000 low-level deep penetration strike aircraft mounted an attack on terrorist command centers in POK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir) and the northern territory of Pakhtoonwali. The raids appear to have been a success, and the biggest success was the bombing of the terrorist command center at Balakot. The Business Standard has reported that a dozen Mirage 2000 Indian fighter jets dropped 1,000 kg bombs on terror camps across the Line of Control.
Pakistan's failure
From all accounts, it appears the Pakistan radar failed to detect the approach of the Mirages's.
This does not speak highly of their Air Defence. One is reminded of a similar operation by US special forces which also went undetected when they neutralized the noted terrorist Osama bin Laden. He was given refuge in Pakistan by the government and army at Abbottabad about 100 miles from the capital. The US helicopters entered deep inside Pakistan and assaulted the residence of Osama and took his dead body away leaving the country red-faced.
The Indian Express reported the Indian foreign secretary has announced that the strikes were a "non-Military pre-emptive action." He further added that the strikes targeted a training camp for the Jaish-e-Mohammad group in Balakot, north-east Pakistan.
Pakistan has been taken by surprise as they never expected such attack. In the 1999 Kargil conflict, the IAF never breached the LOC, but Narendra Modi is a different type of leader than Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
He is aggressive and forthright.
Pakistan reaction
Prime Minister Imran Khan has promised a reaction at a time and place of its choosing. At the moment the IAF can bask in the sun as reportedly over 200 terrorists are eliminated.