Thomas A. Demetrio, a lawyer representing Dr. David Dao, the 69-year-old Kentucky physician who was forcibly dragged from a United Airlines flight by police because he’d bought a ticket and United had sold too many tickets and wanted to make room for some of their employees so they sent Police onto the plane to beat him and drag him out, gave a news conference to discuss where the airline went wrong, where the police went wrong, and how it would’ve gone down differently if Dr. Dao was white.
Demetrio listed Dr. Dao’s injuries
As a part of the conference, Demetrio listed all the injuries Dr.
Dao sustained as a result of being viciously attacked and forced off the plane by police (which is well-documented in disgusting video footage). They include a broken nose, a concussion, two teeth being knocked out of their sockets, as well as problems with his sinuses that may necessitate surgery.
Demetrio says that United Airlines, as well as other airlines but specifying “United in particular,” have been “bullying” passengers. He says paying customers are being “treated like cattle” and subjected to “rude treatment,” and it has to stop. He believes the Dr. Dao case might be the beginning of a crusade against airlines who treat passengers like lower-class citizens because we need them to get us to places, but maybe it’s time to take them to task.