With Black Friday approaching next week, Amazon looks set to enjoy yet another day of massive sales growth. The world famous discount shopping event will help to continue its unbroken 22 year run of sensational growth since its beginning in 1994 by Jeff Bezos. Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world and is currently valued at more than $375 billion. Yet, it seems the giant company is about to face their biggest challenge yet - and right before the chaotically successful spending spree on Black Friday.

Mr. trump has consistently made comments about Amazon, and it's founder Bezos's in a war that doesn't look set to end anytime soon. The battle commenced last December when Trump released a string of distasteful tweets hitting out at The Washington Post which is owned by Bezos's personal investment firm. In the tweets, he called the American newspaper "a scam" and said that if Amazon ever paid fair taxes the papers stocks would plummet and it would "crumble like a paper-bag"

Allegations out of thin air

Trump did not provide any basis for his allegations, and the twitter blast was seemingly unprovoked.

However, Bezos's responded in a non-aggressive manner, and cheerfully said he'd save Trump a seat on the Blue Origin Rocket, before writing #sendDonaldToSpace. Trump did not take kindly to the comments, and at a campaign rally in Texas two months later he brought up Amazon and Bezos's, saying they "would have problems". Trump also spoke to Fox News and told them that Amazon was "getting away with murder Tax-wise" and that he had no trust in Bezos's because of the amount of control he has. Trump's judgments could be partially linked to his grievances at the Washington Post, who began investigating his business affairs and questioning whether he is fit to be president. Further confirmation of this was seen as Trump addressed the "purposely negative" and dishonest articles about him.

Destroying the edges of democracy

When Bezos's finally hit back he accused Trump of making comments that weren't appropriate and said that the comments destroy "out democracy around the edges". Trump's status as the president-elect, undoubtedly means he has the power to hurt Amazon, and the ongoing hostility between the two men might mean a change in the business model for Amazon.