Dancing diva Madhuri Dixit fans are sad to learn that she will not be part of the judging team of dance reality show 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa'. The actress is not part of the show as she is spending time in designing the new sections of 'Dance With Madhuri (DWM)' app. The app offers the user a chance to learn innovative forms of dance yoga that promises to burn calories and remain fit.
The new section comprising of dance yoga and dancercise were released on International Yoga Day on June 21st, when hundreds and thousands of people from across the globe rolled out yoga mats. Madhuri thoughtfully picked the day to make her fans and app users aware of nuances of dance yoga.
She has been a firm believer of making exercising routine a fun filled experience. Keeping in mind she chalked out the innovative dance yoga form. Madhuri feels that this will entertain as well as help in keeping the user fit. The app will make it convenient for the user to learn and understand dance yoga better.
Dance With Madhuri.org is a related dance portal, started by Madhuri and her husband Dr Shriram Nene, a prominent cardiac surgeon. DWM not just teaches various dance forms but also disseminates knowledge on ancient Indian culture. The app consists of various sections, such as 'Move', 'Power Yoga' and 'Dance Yoga'. 'Move' teaches ways to keep fit while Power Yoga gives tips on keeping mind and body in control through vinyasa style of yoga. The users can also seek advice from fitness expert Shalini Bhargava.
Dance Yoga is a fusion of the Indian classical dance forms with a few yoga asanas. Madhuri has specially conceived sequences which involve bharatanatyam mixed with simple asanas to make it user friendly.
Noted bharatanatyam master Namita Bodaji has helped in designing courses specific to individual requirements.
Madhuri has been well known for leading a strict regime and following a disciplined routine to keep fit. Dancing has been one of the most important ways of keep her mind and body alert. In her hey days, despite being busy with shooting, she would never forget to take out time for yoga. The dance yoga app, says Madhuri, will help users "stay focused and shapely."
Since last several years, Madhuri was seen judging the dance reality show 'Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa'. She has taken a break this season as she aims to give more time to the newly launched app. The new season will have judges such as actor Shahid Kapoor, Ganesh Acharya, filmmaker Karan Johar and the newest addition is Lauren Gottlieb. Lauren was recently seen in the dance film 'ABCD 2'.