Britney Spears’ mother Lynne Spears has filed legal paperwork asking to be included in the administration of her daughter’s multi-million fortune. The unexpected move comes twelve years after the separation from Britney caused by their estranged relationship and the conservatorship that first placed total control of Britney’s patrimony in the sole hands of her father Jamie Spears.
This happened back in February 2008, following the star’s mental breakdown in 2007 which included infamous moments like being stretched out in an ambulance after substance abuse and smashing a paparazzi’s car glass with an umbrella after shaving her head in a salon.
In 2019, worried by personal medical concerns, Jamie Spears handed his rights over the conservatorship to her care manager Jodi Montgomery in a court-approved ruling. During last year, news has been circulating of reconciliation between Lynne and her celebrity daughter and they seem now to be confirmed by her decision to legally intervene.
Mom knows best?
Fans and supporters of the singer are split between those who believe Lynne Spears is seriously worried about her sibling’s overall well-being and others who question the real motifs behind her aim to be included as co-administrator. It remains to be seen if Lynne’s request will be legitimated after the separate hearing about the validity and eventual extension of the conservatorship itself, scheduled on August 22, 2020, in an LA court. Fans and supporters of America’s sweetheart are planning to gather outside the building to support a decision that would finally free Britney from being controlled. Spears also lost custody of her two sons to ex-husband Kevin Federline and she’s reportedly hoping to get them back after being granted her financial rights.
In related news, 'K-fed' just filed for a restraint order against Jamie Spears, asking a court to forbid him from any contact with his two sons Jayden and Preston.
Born To Make Them Happy
According to website, Britney earned US$672 million dollars during her career, with estimating a current net worth of US$215 million. These figures sharply contrast with legal papers assessing her net worth to be “ just” around $56million. While still being a huge patrimony worth to fight for and preserve, it is certainly not on par with her iconic 20+ year long career. More and more people are starting to question where has all the money gone and what is the real extent of her exploitation by family members and collaborators.
The list of supporters joining the #freebritney, asking for an end of the conservatorship and the liberation of Britney from any obligation, keeps growing by the day and includes Britney’s two sons as well as her current boyfriend Sam Lutzi. Many celebrities are chipping in too, like Rose McGowan and fellow pop star Miley Cyrus who shouted “Free Britney” in the middle of a live performance.
As for Spears herself, she keeps posting reassuring comments on her Instagram, apparently denying any serious concern and further fuelling conspiracy theories about her entrapment and supposed coded requests for help. Britney hasn’t released any new music in four years. According to a controversial Instagram live streaming by her son Jayden (where he also accused his grandfather of being evil), she’s on an undefined hiatus that could eventually turn into permanent retirement from the music scene.