Drashti Dhami is renowned for her amazing performances and crackling chemistry with her co-stars. Drashti and Gurmeet Choudhary rocked the small screen with their sizzling chemistry in 'Geet Huyi Sabse Parayi' few years ago. Drashti was then seen setting the screen ablaze with Vivian DSena in 'Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon'. Finally, after a four month break, Drashti is all set to make a comeback in Zee TV's 'Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani' alongside the suave Siddhant Karnick.
The Teaser
The makers have released two teasers of 'Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani', which will be aired on ZEE TV. The first teaser focused on both the lead characters, Drashti and Siddhant. On the other hand, the second teaser brought to light the simplicity of Drashti on the small screen.
The second promo is a lot more riveting in a distinctive way, as it presents the character of Gayatri (Drashti Dhami), a simpleton who finds happiness in small things. It shows Gayatri running after a kite and entering the ballroom of a palace unintentionally to get hold of a kite. What happens in the ballroom?
She is looked down by the elites, but she smiles in return and rushes to the roof to get the kite without feeling embarrassed. On the roof, she confronts Rana Indravadhan Singh Deo (Siddhant Karnick), who hands over the kite to Gayatri and walks away.
The Plot
The story revolves around the Royal Family of Ameerkot, headed by Rajmata (Anita Raj) and Rana Indravadhan Singh Deo. The simpleton Gayatri will be married to Rana in the serial. Rana, on the other hand, doesn't love Gayatri and is still in love with his dead wife.
The drama will capture the ups and downs of the relationship between Rana and Gayatri. Will Gayatri win the heart of Rana? Will Gayatri's love story have a fairy tale like ending? Will this love story conquer the hearts of audience or not?
Will this fresh pairing crackle the screens? We will have to wait to get answers to these questions.
The Cast
'Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani' has a wonderful team. Siddhant Karnick and Drashi Dhami will play the lead roles, while Akshay Anand, Anita Raj, Darshan Zariwala, Pawan Mahendru and Surekha Sikri will play significant roles in the serial.
Final Verdict
The teaser of 'Ek Tha Raja Ek Thi Rani' seems promising. The royal historical backdrop of the serial speaks volumes about the serial's ingenuity. On the other hand, the storyline doesn't seem to be novel.
Drashti was last seen in the serial Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon alongside Vivian DSena. She has been away from the small screen for the past four months.
During her disappearance from the screen, she married her boyfriend Neeraj Khemka. The audience is very positive about the fresh pairing of Drashti and Siddhant. How will their chemistry translate on the small screens? Only time will tell.