Angelina Jolie is ill: she's got chicken pox: that's why she has missed "Unbroken" premiere in Hollywood. The actress on saturday delivered a message to her fans in a video posted on Universal Pictures' Facebook page. The video, that has alread gone viral, shows the star with pink spots visible on her face, neck and upper body."I just wanted to be clear and honest about why I will be missing the Unbroken events in the next few days - she said - which is that I found out last night that I have chickenpox, So, I will be home itching and missing everyone, and I can't believe it, because this Film means so much to me".
Her husband Brad Pitt and three of their children attended the movie premiere in Angelina's place, saying she is getting better and that "her spirits are high", but she must stay at home in this moment. Unbroken is a war drama film entirely produced and directed by the actress, revolving around the life of Olympic athlete Louis "Louie" Zamperini who survived a plane crash in the Pacific and then lived several years in Japanese prisoner war camps. The movie is planned to be released in the United States in a couple of weeks, on Christmas Day.
Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by varicella zoster virus. But some Gossip magazines and newspapers argue that Angelina is only pretending to be ill in order to avoid the promotion of the film.
Why? They say the actress is enraged over a leaked email between producer Scott Rudin and Sony co-chair Amy Pascal in which Rudin describes her as "a minimally talented spoiled brat". Is this true?
However, 2014 has been a great year for Angelina Jolie: as she said in an interview with Us Weekly, in the last few months her son Maddox turned 13 and became a teenager, she married Brad Pitt and she had her mainstream directorial debut with Unbroken. In addition, Angelina won the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award at the Oscars ceremony. Definitely one of the most successful periods of the life of the actress, who is now 39 years old.