US President Donald Trump’s attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the healthcare bill passed by his predecessor Barack Obama, with his own Trumpcare, have once again been foiled. Of course, Trump is furious about it and he’s been tweeting about how Obamacare is set to “implode,” but Obamacare is saving lives and it’s a terrific healthcare plan.
The Democrats owe it all to three plucky Republicans
48 Democratic Senators voted against Trumpcare and a further three Republicans swung the majority and got Obamacare to stay, so the Democrats owe it all to those three Republicans: Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Senator Susan Collins of Maine are two of them (both women, of course, because they would’ve suffered greatly under Trumpcare), as well as John McCain, Obama’s former Presidential election rival, who cast the deciding vote.
The Trumpcare-supporting Republicans are scrambling to come up with something that will trigger negotiations and compromise within the Senate, but their prospects don’t look great. Meanwhile, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer – who Trump personally hates – insisted that the Democrats are “not celebrating” in the wake of the vote, but are rather “relieved.” He tweeted, “We must work together to improve the law.”